Thursday, January 1, 2015

Officially official.

     Something that makes me (I was going to say happy but I realized just then that it was not enough of a description.  I will say everything even though I know that is not grammatically correct.  Just calm down. It will make sense in a minute ;) ) everything is music.  Songs full of meaning and life describe my everything.  If I had to write it down I could probably find a theme song for my.....everything.   Make sense yet?  If not then just stop reading here.  You probably won't get it and that is ok.  In my effort to keep things simple I am going to forgo any more explanation on the subject.

Part of keeping things simple is realizing I can't please everyone ;)

I found a song that explains my reasons for choosing my word.  The song itself was written about something else entirely different but my interpretation fits perfectly.

#41 by Dave Matthews Band
"Come and see,
I swear by now I'm playing time against my troubles, oh"

{This is how I'm getting older but am realizing the importance of being in the moment.  Realizing one just cannot continually put troubles aside to deal with later as, eventually, they catch up.}

"I'm coming slow but speeding
Do you wish for a dance and while I'm in the front
My play on time is won
Oh, but the difficulty's coming here"

      {Personally, when I get excited about a new realization, or an epiphany as some would call it, I am all in.  And I want to rush to that moment.  But often I trip over my own feet.}

"I will go in this way
And find my own way out
I wont tell you what to be, oh no
But I'm coming to much more
Of Me"

{My decision to be present, keep things simple and not worry about who thinks what about me or my "everything"  I am enough.}

"All at once the ghosts come back reeling in you now
Oh tell me what if they came down crushing
It used to be that you and me played

For all the loneliness
But nobody notices now
Oh, begging slow I'm coming here"

{I won't go into too much detail because I'm not there now but in my interpretation of this song this is about depression.  Mine.  It is still there, begging.  But alas, it is just a ghost and frankly, I don't play with ghosts.}

"I'll be waiting
I wanted to stay, I wanted to play, I wanted to love you
I'm only this far and only tomorrow leads the way
I'm coming waltzing back and moving into your head

{Again, this is depression and lonliness personified. Begging.}

"I wouldn't pass this by
Oh, no I wouldn't take any more than I need"

{The change in music here, to me, is turning the lyrics back to myself.  This very line grabbed a hold of me and wouldn't let go.  Like a rope being thrown to the bottom of the well I was in to help me out. I am enough and will not take more than I need in an effort to make sure the next person gets their fair share.  Imagine a world that lived by that principal?}

"What sort of man goes by
Well, I will bring water
Why won't you ever be glad, it melts into wonder
I came in praying for you
Why wont you run into the rain and play
Let the tears splash all over you"

{Sometimes people just don't get it.  But sometimes they do.  Those are the ones that will help a little, give an extra nudge to get you out of the house.  They also let you know when enough is enough and the responsibility is on you.  They hold you accountable.}

This is why I chose to keep it simple.  

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