Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Simple is sometimes not so.

    The opposite of simple is complicated.

     I have a need to feel full.

     But I don't know how.

     So, I search.

     In the past, I have filled my time and space with stuff.

     Stuff makes everything complicated.

     As I am slowly donating or throwing out the stuff that I have collected over the years to help me feel full, I am learning and practicing the art of feeling full without the tangible evidence that I think I need.  Part of that is trusting that I am enough.

     My 13 yr. old son told me today that he liked how clean everything looked and how much more space we seemed to have.  That, my friends, made me feel full.

     If that is all it takes then I am in.  All in.  100%.



1 comment:

  1. Excellent!!! It of course helps when the children enjoy the results and aren't fighting the process.
